Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Power of Prayer

I know a lot of us often forget the power of prayer. I know I do sometimes until God reminds us how important it is just how he reminded the Israelites how sovereign he is. That no matter how many times we mess up or disobey, God will always be their leading us and guiding us we just have to let him.
I find myself lately praying for my friends at home, we are all around the same age and I know we all have our own struggles and I am so thankful for each of them and the way they are so different from one another but yet so similar. I have had many good conversations come up lately where you can just share what has been going on with you lately. A prime opportunity where I got to pour into my friends and where my friends got to pour into me. Which is what I have been praying for and still am. That more opportunities would arise like the ones that already have. And I know that these conversations that come up aren't just coincidences but God working through me and my friends. Because he hears our prayers even when we feel like we are talking to no one.

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